Recall Alert
U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission
Office of Information and Public Affairs | Washington, DC 20207 |
July 17, 2008 Alert #08-595 |
All-Terrain Vehicles Recalled By American Honda Motor Co. Due to Risk of Loss of Control Hazard
The following product safety recall was voluntarily conducted by the firm in cooperation with the CPSC. Consumers should stop using the product immediately unless otherwise instructed.
Name of Product: Model Year 2007-2008 TRX 420 Rancher ATVs
Units: About 42,000
Manufacturer: American Honda Motor Co. Inc., of Torrance, Calif.
Hazard: If the ATV’s rubber CV (constant velocity) boots get punctured or torn the joint will become contaminated and severe binding of the CV joints could occur, resulting in the sudden loss of steering control. This poses a risk of injury or death to riders.
Incidents/Injuries: None.
Description: This recall involves Model Year 2007-08 Honda TRX420 ATVs, also known as the Honda FourTrax Rancher 4X4. These are adult-size ATVs designed for use by riders age 16 and older. The recalled ATVs are available in red, black, olive, and camouflage. The Honda name and wing logo are printed on the fuel tank. The model year is printed on a label located on the frame behind the left front wheel. The model name “Rancher” is on a label at the left rear of the ATV.
Sold by: Honda ATV dealers nationwide from January 2007 through May 2008 for between $5,300 and $5,600.
Manufactured in: United States
Remedy: Consumers should immediately stop using these recalled ATVs and contact any Honda ATV dealer to make an appointment for a free repair. Registered owners of the recalled ATVs have been sent direct notices.
Consumer Contact: For additional information, consumers can contact Honda toll-free at (866) 784-1870 between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. PT Monday through Friday, or visit the firm's Web site at

Prior to evaluating a personal injury case related an amusement park accident your attorney may evaluate whether the injury occurred due to a product malfunction or a premises liability. The difference between both of these types of personal injury cases is that a product malfunction also known as product liability or defective product litigation can be determined by design, marketing or negligence. Premises liability has to do more with the safety of the property.
Finding an amusement park accident attorney can be challenging due to the type of case. The attorneys that handle such accidents tend to have experience in litigating against large defense teams with deep pockets. These types of personal injury cases can take months or even years before a settlement is reached. Unfortunately for those people that have financial responsibilities and in some cases lose a salary due to the accident, pre settlement funding for an amusement park accident is an option.
Our lawsuit funding lenders can provide a lawsuit cash advance for amusement park accidents. The pre settlement lawsuit funding can be provided for accident that occur in a variety of different types of theme parks.
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When someone decides to file a personal injury claim for a dog bite they are typically going after the owner of the dog. It is up to the owner of the dog to domesticate their animals and furthermore to obey leash laws in their state.
The most common dog bites come from pit bulls, german shepards, chows, rottweilers and mix breed dogs. A dog bite can cause serious injury and in some cases loss of life may occur. Due to the overwhelming costs of medical expenses, these claims can take months or even years to litigate.
A personal injury lawyer is obligated to represent their client in the best possible manner in order to receive fair and full compensation for injuries. In some cases ongoing medical expenses can delay settlements and ultimately put a financial strain on the victim. Unfortunately for some people dog bites can occur loss of wages and even salary. For those people that have no place to turn, lawsuit funding is an option.
LawLeafs network of pre settlement funding lenders all provide non recourse funding for dog bites. If you are currently seeking compensation for a dog bite and would like a cash advance against your potential cash award, begin by applying online today. Our lenders are ready to compete for your business.
Below is a recent recall from CPSC. The recall states a defective product for a TV stand tip over hazard.
U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission
Office of Information and Public Affairs | Washington, DC 20207 |
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 17, 2008 Release #08-331 | Firm's Recall Hotline: (888) 309-0299 |
Studio RTA Recalls TV Stands Due to TV Tip-over Hazard
WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, in cooperation with the firm named below, today announced a voluntary recall of the following consumer product. Consumers should stop using recalled products immediately unless otherwise instructed.
Name of Product: TV Stands
Units: About 6,700
Distributor: Studio RTA, of Pico Rivera, Calif.
Manufacturer: King Pao Enterprise Co. Ltd., of Guangdong, China
Hazard: The stability of the stand does not meet industry standards to prevent TV tip-over, posing a risk of injury or death to consumers.
Incidents/Injuries: None reported.
Description: This recall involves “Silhouette” TV stands with black or brushed silver and black frames and three glass shelves. Models included in the recall are 403650 (brushed silver and black) and 404191 (black). Model numbers are printed on the packaging and instruction sheet.
Sold by: Shopko and Boscov’s stores nationwide from September 2007 through June 2008 for about $140.
Manufactured in: China
Remedy: Consumers should immediately remove the TV from stand and contact Studio RTA to receive a free repair kit.
Consumer Contact: For additional information, contact Studio RTA at (888) 309-0299 between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. PT Monday through Friday. Consumers can also visit the firm’s Web site at

Below is a recent recall from CPSC. The recall is for a possible fire hazard.
U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission
Office of Information and Public Affairs | Washington, DC 20207 |
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 17, 2008 Release #08-332 | Firm's Recall Hotline: (800) 426-7701 |
Log Splitter Engines Recalled By American Honda Motor Co. Due to Fire Hazard
WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, in cooperation with the firm named below, today announced a voluntary recall of the following consumer product. Consumers should stop using recalled products immediately unless otherwise instructed.
Name of Product: Engines used in SpeeCo and Huskee Brand Log Splitters
Units: About 5,600
Manufacturer: American Honda Motor Corp., of Torrance, Calif.
Hazard: The engine’s fuel tank can crack and leak, posing a risk of fire or explosion.
Incidents/Injuries: None reported.
Description: The recall involves Honda engines (model type GCV160LA N1A) used in Split Master by SpeeCo and Huskee brand log splitters. Only engine serial numbers between 5547012 and 6880908 are included in the recall. The serial number is located below the upper shroud near the oil dip-stick. The following models of log splitters are affected by the recall and are either silver/black or red/black colored.
Huskee Log Splitter | SpeeCo Split Masters |
LS401227TS (22 Ton) LS401228NO (27 Ton) | LS401228SP (22 Ton) LS401227NO (22 Ton) LS401225NO (25 Ton) |
Sold at: The log splitters with the recalled engines were sold at outdoor power equipment dealers and Tractor Supply stores nationwide from January 2007 through June 2008 for between $1,150 and $1,500.
Manufactured in: United States
Remedy: Consumers should immediately stop using the affected log splitters and contact any Honda Lawn and Garden dealer or Honda Engine dealer for a free repair. Registered owners of the recalled log splitters will be mailed a notice.
Consumer Contact: For additional information, contact Honda at (800) 426-7701 between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. ET Monday through Friday, or visit the firm’s Web site at

Below is a recent recall from CPSC. The recall is for a potential hazard for a variety of different reasons. ATV accidents account for thousands of personal injury accidents each year.
U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission
Office of Information and Public Affairs | Washington, DC 20207 |
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 17, 2008 Release #08-333 | SunL’s Recall Hotline: (866) 355-0497 |
SunL Group Inc. Recalls Youth ATVs Due To Safety Defects
WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, in cooperation with the firm named below, today announced a voluntary recall of the following consumer product. Consumers should stop using recalled products immediately unless otherwise instructed.
Name of Product: SLA90 Youth All-Terrain Vehicles (ATVs)
Units: About 144
Distributor: SunL Group Inc., of Irving, Texas
Hazard: The youth ATV lacks front brakes, a manual fuel shut-off, and padding to cover the sharp edges on the handlebar assembly. Additionally, the vehicle is sold without a tire pressure gauge or adequate flag pole bracket. The defects could lead to young drivers losing control of the ATVs, which poses the risk of serious injuries or death.
Incidents/Injuries: None.
Description: The recalled SLA90 ATVs are intended for children between the ages of 12 and 15 years old. The recalled SLA90 ATVs were available in the following solid colors: red, blue, yellow, green. The ATVs were available in the following camo colors: pink, brown, green, and blue. The word “Sunl” is on the front side of the ATV. The recalled units have one of the following Vehicle Identification Numbers:
TT05035366 | TT05035376 | TT05035386 | TT05035396 | TT05035406 | TT05035416 | TT05035426 | TT05035436 | TT05035446 |
TT05035367 | TT05035377 | TT05035387 | TT05035397 | TT05035407 | TT05035417 | TT05035427 | TT05035437 | TT05035447 |
TT05035368 | TT05035378 | TT05035388 | TT05035398 | TT05035408 | TT05035418 | TT05035428 | TT05035438 | TT05035448 |
TT05035369 | TT05035379 | TT05035389 | TT05035399 | TT05035409 | TT05035419 | TT05035429 | TT05035439 | TT05035449 |
TT05035370 | TT05035380 | TT05035390 | TT05035400 | TT05035410 | TT05035420 | TT05035430 | TT05035440 | TT05035450 |
TT05035371 | TT05035381 | TT05035391 | TT05035401 | TT05035411 | TT05035421 | TT05035431 | TT05035441 | TT05035451 |
TT05035372 | TT05035382 | TT05035392 | TT05035402 | TT05035412 | TT05035422 | TT05035432 | TT05035442 | TT05035452 |
TT05035373 | TT05035383 | TT05035393 | TT05035403 | TT05035413 | TT05035423 | TT05035433 | TT05035443 | TT05035453 |
TT05035374 | TT05035384 | TT05035394 | TT05035404 | TT05035414 | TT05035424 | TT05035434 | TT05035444 | TT05035454 |
TT05035375 | TT05035385 | TT05035395 | TT05035405 | TT05035415 | TT05035425 | TT05035435 | TT05035445 | TT05035455 |
| | | | | | | | |
TT05035456 | TT05035463 | TT05035470 | TT05035477 | TT05035484 | TT05035491 | TT05035498 | TT05035505 | |
TT05035457 | TT05035464 | TT05035471 | TT05035478 | TT05035485 | TT05035492 | TT05035499 | TT05035506 | |
TT05035458 | TT05035465 | TT05035472 | TT05035479 | TT05035486 | TT05035493 | TT05035500 | TT05035507 | |
TT05035459 | TT05035466 | TT05035473 | TT05035480 | TT05035487 | TT05035494 | TT05035501 | TT05035508 | |
TT05035460 | TT05035467 | TT05035474 | TT05035481 | TT05035488 | TT05035495 | TT05035502 | TT05035509 | |
TT05035461 | TT05035468 | TT05035475 | TT05035482 | TT05035489 | TT05035496 | TT05035503 | | |
TT05035462 | TT05035469 | TT05035476 | TT05035483 | TT05035490 | TT05035497 | TT05035504 | |
Sold through: SunL Group dealers nationwide and Web retailers from May 2005 through March 2007 for between $400 and $500.
Manufactured in: China
Remedy: Consumers should immediately stop using these ATVs and contact SunL Group for instructions on how to receive a full refund.
Consumer Contact: Consumers can contact SunL Group toll-free at (866) 355-0497 between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. CT Monday through Friday, or visit the firm’s web site

U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission
Office of Information and Public Affairs | Washington, DC 20207 |
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 18, 2008 Release #08-334 | CPSC Hotline: (800) 638-2772 CPSC Media Contacts: (301) 504-7908 |
New Federal Law Mandates Child Resistant Portable Gasoline Containers
WASHINGTON, D.C. - Children and gasoline don’t mix. With the passage of the Children’s Gasoline Burn Prevention Act, an additional layer of fire safety and burn protection has been added for families across the country.
President George W. Bush signed the Act into law which requires portable gasoline containers manufactured for sale in the U.S. on or after January 17, 2009 to conform to child resistance safety requirements.
Gasoline containers will join containers with other flammable liquids, such as turpentine, charcoal lighter fluid, and torch fuel that are required to have child resistant closures. CPSC has jurisdiction over child resistant product packaging.
“Families who purchase gasoline cans with child resistant gas caps and who keep all flammable liquids out of the sight and reach of children are improving the safety of their homes,” said CPSC Acting Chairman Nancy Nord.
CPSC recommends these safety tips for consumers.
- Buy a gasoline container that is child resistant.
- Place a gasoline container in a well ventilated, cool area.
- Never store gasoline or other fuel inside the house, in the basement, or near a fuel-burning appliance, open flames, pilot lights, stoves, heaters, electric mowers, or any other sources of ignition.
- Never smoke near gasoline.
- Never carry gasoline in the trunk of the car. Escaping vapors can easily ignite.
- Keep gasoline, kerosene and other fuels out of the reach of children. Never permit children to play with matches or fuel.
Lawsuit funding comes in several different ways all of which we provide. You can secure a pre-settlement advance, structured settlement cash advance, attorney funding and commercial litigation advance using our service.
While we provide all variety of lawsuit funding our clients tend to come to LawLeaf for pre-settlement funding for personal injury related accidents.
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